Press & Quotes

“Now that’s what I call using your noggin!”

“In a generation struck by digital shallowness, Philip Levine stands out as a unique figure and a role model for others. His originality, freshness and creative talent makes him a strong candidate to get into the shoes of the likes of Bowie, Warhol and Basquiet as a total artist, urban icon and sex symbol.” Alon Shtruzman – Media entrepreneur.

“I love creativity and I love it when someone has the strength to impose theirs in such an incredibly beautiful and original way.” Mimma Viglezio – Former Executive Vice President Gucci Group.

“In these days of exhibitions popping up in every other free space I would estimate that Philip manages to get more creative and original art on his head than on 80% of the gallery walls around.” Scroobius Pip – Poet, musician, DJ

I’ve just discovered your work via a friend on the Internet. What an absolutely fantastic idea – creating positivity out of something that so many men fear, experience and hate about their appearance. A best friend of mine, 25, has been losing his hair since he was 16, and I hear the heartbreak and dent in his confidence it has had. Congratulations on all your hard work and what you have achieved, your designs are truly brilliant. I’m certain your support towards CALM will help many young men cope with what may seem a weakness, but in reality makes us all so much more open minded – I know I would never change the fact that I have depression, no matter how much it drains me.” Anna Jordan – Art Student.

“Just read your article in Bizarre Mag. I lost my hair 2 years ago to Alopecia. I love your art…” Emily – Bizarre Magazine reader.

“Philip delivered a fun and interactive workshop for 15-25 year olds at Tate Modern as part of our Tate Lab series. Tate Labs are a series of regular workshops held on the first Saturday of every month with a focus on experimentation with materials. Participants had a great time creating artworks on their heads using various materials stuck onto bald caps. Philip’s enthusiasm and hands-on approach encouraged the participants to really enjoy their day.”

Young People’s Programmes, Tate Modern 

“But given the jaded aesthetic responses and sensory overload experienced by so many of our fellow-citizens, is it possible to use the culture of spectacle and immersive experience to take us outside our familiar comfort zones? Can we devise (and test) experiences so unexpected and unpredictable that they provoke a genuine letting-go of assumptions and inhibitions – and thus engineer a kind of unpacking, or awakening?” MA Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries, Central Saint Martins, “Vertigo” Project Brief.

“Philip both in his work and talk provided a portal in understanding just this type of experience that was both engaging and thought provoking.”

Richard Reynolds, Senior Lecturer, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London

‘Philip came to speak as part of our Material Insights series for East Wing X, where he also displayed and performed previously, discussing the importance of audience interaction in his work. It was a a fascinating evening that inspired lively debates amongst the audience.’

Jane Scarth, Head of Learning and Engagement, East Wing X, The Courtauld Institute of Art