Archive for July, 2012

Letter from a little girl and live interview – London to Australia


Jul 12, 2012 0 Comments

I was recently interviewed about my head art live and direct to Australia’s main breakfast news show, Network TEN. It was great to spread the message to a new audience the other side of the globe. What was even more special about it was the email I received 24hrs later from little Jesse. Will need to fly over to Oz soon. Find letter, image and video of the interview. Enjoy.

My name is Jesse and I live in Perth, Western Australia. I am seven years old and I have complete alopecia like the boy in America. I saw you and your awesome art on television one morning and my mum said that would be cool for me because sometimes I find it hard to take my hat off and then we saw the boy with alopecia. If you ever come to Australia can you let me know because I would love you to use my head as an art space it would mean a lot to me.
Thank you so much,

2012-07-10 22.52.06